Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Jaga mulut lancang berkata

Bila terbaca perkataan…

Bodoh....stupid….bangang  !!! Seriously something wrong somewhere.

Tapi ada yang kata tak payah nak sentap-sentap. Dah faham perangai masing2. Ignore je budak-budak tu. Macam nak backup tapi dia sendiri tak tahu cammana nak hadap dengan perangai orang-orang sebegini bila diri sendiri kadang2 terlanjur jugak guna perkataan tak elok tu.

Bila terasa sikit…. Bodoh la ko ! Cara ko tu…bodoh !

Bila sentap sikit….bila ada yang tak kena….stupid ! Bangang la ko…terajang nak?

Aduhaiii adik-adik….dari positif hakak ni terus jadi negative.

Me cannot brain. Seriously !

Either masalah surrounding (environment negative) atau habit diri (maki hamun dah biasa buat hari-hari).

Tapi yang sebenarnya masing2 ego (walaupun dah ditegur). Taknak dengar penjelasan dulu dah main tuduh melulu, cakap ikut sedap mulut. Mulut berjalan lagi laju daripada otak. Tak fikir perasaan orang. Emo !

Bila ko fikir negative, negative la jadinya dik non.

Setiap kata-kata itu adalah suatu doa. 

Tak perlu la nak menormalkan bodoh, stupid, bangang semua tu. Memang ko akan berjaya buatkan orang tu sakit hati. Tapi kesudahannya nanti ko tu sendiri akan sakit. Rezeki ditarik, tak dapat ketenangan hidup. Asyik nak marah je. Maki hamun apetah lagi…

Moga lidah dan lisan kita semua terpelihara daripada menghamburkan kata-kata yang tak elok.

Hakak membebel sayang
Dah tegur taknak dengar. Left jalan terbaik !

Saturday, November 3, 2018

We're Lost...

Sometimes we're lost...
We had experienced that..
We did...

Maybe We’re Lost Because We Stopped Listening To Ourselves 

Maybe we’re lost because we’re searching for answers from those who have the same questions.

Maybe we’re lost because we’ve been trying to seek guidance from those who are going off course.

Maybe we’re lost because we keep wanting love from those who don’t really love us.

Maybe we’re lost because we listen to those who don’t know what’s best for us.

Maybe we’re lost because in between the noise, the chaos, the advice, the lessons and the rules we lost our voice, we lost our direction and we lost ourselves.

Maybe we’re confused because we listen to people who can’t seem to agree on anything, people who don’t think or feel like we do.

Maybe we’re scared because we’re told that we need to stay safe. Stay cool. Stay away from things that make us look bad.

Maybe we don’t feel good enough because even the people who love us judge us, criticize us and don’t always understand us.

Maybe we don’t feel strong anymore because we gave our power to others when we failed to trust ourselves and when we thought they knew better, when we thought they’re more qualified to make our decisions.

Maybe we’re lost because we stopped being true to ourselves and tried to fit it. We tried to belong and be part of something that we don’t really belong to.

Maybe we’re lost because instead of trying to find ourselves, we just followed the crowd. We followed someone else’s plan. We followed someone else’s heart and we followed someone else’s mind.

Maybe we just need to stop. 

Maybe it’s time to put ourselves first and believe that we have the wisdom and the courage we need to follow our own plan. To listen to our intuit  ion. To go in a different direction. To find the place that we truly belong to. 


Catatan Suri
4th November 2018
